商业地板清洁 服务 Gainesville FL - [Carpet & 混凝土)-钱柜平台登录
3499 NW 97th Blvd #17 | Gainesville, FL 32606 电子邮件: (电子邮件保护)


Are you diligently trying to answer the question, “我在哪里可以找到一家商业地板清洁公司,它有专业知识和商业清洁设备来清洁我所有的工业地毯和地板??“在佛罗里达州盖恩斯维尔的所有的清洁,我们已经保持地板清洁30多年了.


我们在盖恩斯维尔的商业地板钱柜平台登录可以帮助您保持地板清洁和美观, even if your building is prone to high foot traffic.

Our experienced cleaning crews can efficiently and effectively clean all types of floors, 包括陶瓷, 瓷, 混凝土, VCT, 硬木和橡胶, 我们可以在下班后为您清洁地板,以确保您的员工能够保持他们的生产力.

  • 硬木地板清洁
  • 大理石地板清洁
  • 陶瓷和瓷砖和灌浆清洗
  • 地板剥皮、密封 & 完成(打蜡)
  • Concrete Cleaning, Sealing and 完成(打蜡)
商业 Carpet Cleaning and Hard Surface Floor Cleaning 服务 Gainesville FL


  • Affordable rates and custom cleaning schedules.
  • All types of floors thoroughly and professionally cleaned.
  • Custom cleaning solutions designed for the specific type of flooring.
  • 瓷砖和灌浆的深度清洗.
  • Detailed stripping and floor waxing for hard surface floors

商业 硬木地板清洁 服务

Hardwood floors can last more than 100 years if they are properly cleaned and maintained. Our cleaning crews have the equipment and experience to clean all types of hardwood floors, 包括工程木地板, 拼花地板, solid wood floors and acrylic-impregnated wood flooring, which is most commonly found in commercial buildings.

我们的硬木地板护理过程包括首先擦拭整个表面的灰尘,以清除松散的污垢和碎片. If there is an exceptional amount of dust, 污垢和碎片, 我们可以选择使用带毛刷的特殊真空吸尘器来彻底清除所有松散的颗粒. 然后, we will damp mop the floor to remove any spilled liquids and stuck-on dirt.

For those times when your wood floors need a 深层清洁, 我们将使用适当稀释的木材安全清洁剂彻底擦洗地板表面并恢复其光泽. 您也可以指望我们完全清除任何多余的水和清洁溶液,使您的地板干燥,为您的第二天的业务做好准备.


大理石经常被选为高端奢侈品零售和商业企业以及豪华公寓的地板材料, 合作公寓和公寓. In order to keep in looking nice and to prevent damage, proper floor cleaning procedures must be followed. 我们盖恩斯维尔当地的清洁人员只使用pH值中性的清洁溶液,这些溶液已根据制造商的说明适当稀释. After we finish damp mopping your marble floors, 我们用软布把地板完全擦干,这样就不会有湿气渗入多孔材料. 增加一层额外的保护, 我们还提供大理石地板密封剂和高质量的蜡密封剂,可以帮助保护大理石,使您的地板看起来最好.

商业 Tile and Grout Cleaning 服务

Ceramic and 石头 tiles and grout are often found in areas that contain water, 比如厨房, 浴室和淋浴区. Tile and grout must be precisely cleaned in order to remove dirt, 碎片, 皂垢, 食物颗粒和霉菌从瓷砖表面和内部的微小孔隙和灌浆.

我们的商业瓷砖和灌浆钱柜平台登录只涉及使用经批准用于特定表面的商业瓷砖和灌浆清洁剂,以及经批准用于陶瓷的软刷和毛巾, 瓷、石瓷砖. We also take care to keep our mop water fresh, which helps ensure your tiles look crisp and clean instead of cloudy or hazy.

商业 Floor Stripping and Sealing 服务

多种类型的硬表面地板, 包括木, 混凝土砖, 石头, need to have the sealers periodically stripped and reapplied. 随着时间的推移, dirt and grime can become embedded in the wax layer, which leads to your floor appearing dirty and stained. Wax coatings and sealants also wear down as people and equipment move along the surface. Periodically stripping and waxing your hard surface floors helps keep them clean, 视觉吸引力和良好的状态. Special commercial waxes can also be applied to help create a non-slip surface, 哪一个对医院有利, 餐厅, fast food establishments and retail stores.

我们的清洁人员可以评估您的硬表面地板,以确定哪种类型的地板蜡对您的业务最有利. 然后, 我们可以制定一个时间表,既能保持你的地板干净美观,又能保持它们的预期使用寿命.

商业 Concrete Cleaning, Sealing and Waxing 服务

商业, 工业和制造设施都受益于混凝土地板的耐用性和寿命. However, contrary to popular belief, commercial 混凝土 floors are not maintenance-free. 如果不保持密封剂和蜡涂层,它们的50年或更长预期寿命会大大减少. This is because 混凝土 is a relatively porous material, and if the 混凝土 is continuously exposed to water and chemical spills, 那些液体可以穿透表面, 导致裂缝和其他损坏.

一个当地的, 专业地板清洁公司, 就像《盖恩斯维尔清场, can keep your 混凝土 floors looking nice and properly sealed with our cleaning, sealing and high-gloss 混凝土 floor waxing services. Our cleaning crews have the cleaning equipment and technical knowledge to properly clean, wax and seal your 混凝土 floors so that they last their entire expected useful life.


在盖恩斯维尔,要想保持你的商用地毯和地毯的清洁,就需要聘请一家熟悉各种不同类型商用地毯的专业清洁公司, 包括地毯方块或瓷砖, 长毛绒地毯, woven carpet and printed and patterned carpet.

Our professional carpet cleaning crews serve the entire greater Gainesville area, 他们精通各种技术和地毯清洁机器,可以正确清除地毯纤维上的所有污垢和碎屑,并对地毯进行深度清洁,一直到地毯背面.


Professional Retail Carpet Cleaning 服务

商业 carpet is a favorite among many different retail and restaurant businesses. 它增加了一种温馨的感觉和温馨的氛围,这是很难通过任何其他类型的地板选项实现. 不幸的是地毯, retail businesses and 餐厅 often see a lot of foot traffic, 哪些会导致污垢, 瓦砾和食物颗粒迅速堆积在地面上,并随着人们穿越该地区而进入地面. This can lead to staining and dark spots in high traffic areas.

Our local and experienced cleaning crews at 所有的清洁 have the industrial vacuum cleaners, 地毯洗发水和地毯清洁解决方案,可以清除最顽固的污渍和地面的污垢和碎片. 我们的全面地毯钱柜平台登录是从使用扫地机清除最大的碎片开始的. 然后, 我们使用带有旋转刷的商用真空吸尘器,深入纤维内部,把地面上的污垢拉出来, 花粉和食物颗粒. This helps ensure your carpets are clean and ready for your next day of business.

在需要的时候, 我们也提供地毯洗发服务, which uses a color safe carpet cleaner and water to effectively clean your carpets. This technique can remove stains and discolorations, which can increase the useful life of your carpet and keep in looking beautiful.


Office carpets have unique cleaning needs. 他们经常看到中度到重度的人流量,尤其是在走廊和楼下的小隔间里. 纸, stables and other small bits of office 碎片 often find their way onto the carpet fibers, and employees participating in working lunches can spill drinks and food onto the floors, 导致染色或粘稠的区域.

These unique office conditions require a specialized cleaning approach, 还有这里的清洁公司, our cleaning crews are adept at removing stains and stickiness from carpets as well as dirt, dust and bits of paper and other office 碎片. 我们只使用最优质的商用吸尘器,带旋转毛刷和强大的吸力,以清除地毯纤维上所有松散的污垢. We then utilize special stain cleaning solutions to remove stains and sticky areas. 最后, 我们可以定期用洗发水或蒸汽清洗地毯,让地毯看起来和闻起来都很好.


联系 所有的清洁 - Your Floor Cleaning Company

所有的清洁 – 商业地板清洁 服务 in Gainesville, FL | 3499 NW 97 Blvd #17 | Gainesville, FL 32606 | (352) 372-0461
